Feasibility Satudy & Layout Design

Integrated System

Equipment & parts Procurement Work

Transportation & Installation Work

Commissioning Work

After Sales Service Work

Basic Design and Detailed Engineering 

Based on customer specifications, MADESCO Intelligence reviews design conceptual by simple simulations. Thus basic conditions such as process optimization,solid mechanic calculation and motion element study. Those are established and followed by layouts, detailed design of mechanical, electrical, Equipment and instrumentation. From these designs, various drawings and specifications are made. As for safety, environmental conservation, and quality assurance are controled, scrupulous checks are carried out independently by respective specialized departments of the Engineering Division. 

Image title Installation 

For installation work, MADESCO Intelligence organizes suitable team to work on the site. The team comprises engineers and supervisors who are experienced not only in plant installation but also other facilities. Which this team to carried out the work completely within the project time line period.

Image title Procurement, Inspection and Transportation 

All equipment and materials necessary for projects are procured from various sources. MADESCO Intelligence reviews costs, quality and delivery dates carefully to choose the most suitable suppliers. Control of delivery and quality as well as inspection are subsequently carried out by our cilents experienced specialists.

Project Management 

For the execution of a contracted project, MADESCO Intelligence assigns a project manager and organizes a project team. Suitable team members are selected according to the scale and type of the project, and work under the project manager to carry out schedule, budgetary, quality, and safety controls with a consistent concept and policy.
MADESCO Intelligence has acquired project management know-how through various projects in Thailand and up to date automation ,vision, robotic, software technology resercher university by copperated to developed the prototype before excuted the project. In handleing or transfer those technology to suscessful project exception.

Image title Quality and Safety 

MADESCO Installigence always executes the project with accoutibility that safety and quality are the most important aspect of the project. Thus quality Management System is followed compliance the international standard ISO 9002 

" Well begun is half done "

2013 © Madesco-Int Co., Ltd..